FaceTite & AccuTite

The Scottsdale Center for Plastic Surgery is very proud to announce 2 exciting and game-changing skin tightening technologies, FaceTite and AccuTite, at our Phoenix-area practice. If you wish to tighten loose skin in the eyelids, face, neck, or jowls, but want to avoid surgery, FaceTite or AccuTite may be a good option for you.

EmbraceRF before & after
Before and after Facetite procedure

Nonsurgical Facelift and Skin Tightening Treatments

These advanced technologies are excellent alternatives to facelift surgery and other surgical skin-tightening procedures for women and men noticing early signs of aging.

  • AccuTite tightens eyelid skin, lifts brows and smooths out the skin on the forehead, providing significant improvements without the need for surgical incisions. AccuTite can also be used to tighten under-eye bags caused by protruding fat. We are excited to be the first practice in Scottsdale to offer this state-of-the-art technology to our patients.
  • FaceTite generates heat to strategically “mold” the fat of the face in order to enhance the jawline and rejuvenate the neck. Read more about why FaceTite is the perfect bridge between nonsurgical and surgical procedures in one of our blog posts.
  • Morpheus8 is the first and only FDA-cleared device that molds fat sub-dermally (under the skin) in order to morph aging facial features into a more youthful appearance. It is uniquely designed to combine microneedling and radiofrequency to achieve deep fractional remodeling.

These 3 procedures, when combined and used synergistically, are an exciting new advance in non-invasive facial rejuvenation.

Benefits of FaceTite and AccuTite

FaceTite, AccuTite, and Morpheus8 work together to rejuvenate the soft tissues of the neck, face, eyelids, and brows. In appropriately selected patients, treated areas are tightened, contoured, and revitalized, providing beautiful aesthetic results without the downtime, scars, and invasiveness of traditional facial rejuvenation surgeries.

Other applications include tightening of the arms, knees, and other areas of the body.

Modern Beauty

See Dr. Cohen on Modern Beauty, a series on the Style Network.

See Dr. Cohen on Modern Beauty, a series on the Style Network.
Watch Now

What to Expect

Performed by Dr. Sigalove under local anesthesia in less than an hour, AccuTite amd FaceTite can achieve significant facial improvements with as little as 2 to 3 days of bruising and 5 days to 2 weeks of social downtime.

To see if you are a candidate for FaceTite, AccuTite, or Morpheus8, request a consultation with Dr. Sigalove using our online form or call our office at (480) 423-1973.

Order Your Skin Better, ZO, and Alastin Products Through Our Physician Portals

If you are an existing patient of Scottsdale Center for Plastic Surgery, you can order your Skin Better, ZO Skin Health, and Alastin skincare products via our Physician Portals!

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