Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, often called a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that can help you tighten abdominal muscles and remove loose skin and fat, getting you well on your way to enjoying a flatter, more sculpted stomach. There are many reasons why tummy tuck patients from Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, are ready to improve their abdominal appearance.

Receive a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Cohen or Dr. Sigalove to learn more about tummy tuck. Our facility is conveniently located for women and men living in Tempe, Paradise Valley and other areas of Greater Phoenix, AZ.

Is Tummy Tuck Right For You?

Many people experience abdominal issues that are resistant to diet and exercise. Factors such as pregnancy, significant weight gain or loss, and aging can lead to structural changes in the abdomen that affect both appearance and comfort. Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, addresses these concerns by removing excess skin and tightening weakened muscles, resulting in a flatter and firmer midsection. Below are the common abdominal concerns that this procedure helps resolve:

Stretched Abdominal Wall From Pregnancy or Weight Gain

Pregnancy and significant weight gain can stretch the abdominal wall, leading to a protruding belly. A tummy tuck tightens these muscles, restoring a firmer and flatter appearance.

Excess Loose Skin

After weight loss or pregnancy, excess loose, sagging skin may remain around the abdomen. A tummy tuck removes this loose skin, creating a smoother and more toned midsection.

Combined Stretched Abdominal Wall and Skin Stretching

When both the abdominal wall and skin are stretched, a tummy tuck addresses both issues simultaneously, providing comprehensive contouring and tightening.

Exercise-Resistant Pockets of Fat in the Abdominal Area

Stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise can be effectively removed during a tummy tuck, enhancing your waistline and overall physique.

Other tummy tuck patients have excess skin of the abdominal area, usually after significant weight gain and then weight loss. In this case, the skin itself (as opposed to the abdominal wall) becomes loose and stretched out. If a person loses more weight, the skin often sags to an even greater degree.

The stretching of the abdominal wall and skin can occur individually or in combination, and will not improve with exercise or sit-ups. Luckily, for patients with these problems, we are able to flatten and tighten their midsections with a tummy tuck.

What Is a ‘Plus-Size’ Tummy Tuck?

A plus-size or overweight tummy tuck is a procedure for carefully selected patients with an elevated body mass index (BMI). Traditionally, tummy tuck surgery has been discouraged for overweight or obese patients, as an increased BMI can elevate the risk of complications. However, when it comes to a plus-size tummy tuck, patients should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and discuss their goals with one of our surgeons.

What Is Diastasis Recti and How Do You Repair It?

Diastasis recti is the name for a separation of the abdominal muscles that normally run vertically down the front of the abdomen. This condition usually occurs during pregnancy but is also associated with C-section deliveries. In men, heavy lifting and sudden weight gain can cause diastasis recti. In most cases, tummy tuck surgery is needed to repair the abdominal muscles.

Choosing Plastic Surgery

As with all surgeries, our plastic surgeons, certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, draw on their knowledge to specifically customize the technique they use for each person to address each of their issues. For mild sagging of the lower abdominal skin, a mini-abdominoplasty often will be enough to remove the excess skin and smooth and flatten the abdomen. With more significant excess skin, we perform a greater degree of skin tailoring. Frequently, the abdominal wall needs tightening as well. In these cases, your surgeon will create an “internal corset” that tightens the abdominal wall and narrows the contour of the waist. After the internal corset is finished, the excess skin is tailored to fit snugly against the flatter, narrower abdominal wall.

Do I Need a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, or Both?

Tummy tuck and liposuction are body contouring procedures used for different purposes.

ProcedureTummy TuckLiposuctionBoth
Objective Removes lax abdominal skin and repairs stretched or separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti)Removes isolated pockets of fatCombines excess fat removal, skin tightening, and muscle repair
Ideal CandidatesPeople with loose skin and muscle laxity (usually after pregnancy or weight loss)People with stubborn fat pockets that persist despite a consistently healthy diet and exercisePeople with unwanted fat, loose skin, and weakened or separated abdominal muscles
Fat RemovalReduces tummy bulgeRemoves isolated pockets of fatTargeted fat removal in abdominal region
Muscle RepairYesNoYes
Fat RemovalMinimal (some fat may be removed along with excess skin).YesYes
ScarsYes, horizontal scar on lower abdomenYes, tiny incisions with minimal scarringYes, scarring fades significantly over time
Recovery TimeAbout 2 weeks of downtimeAbout a week (or less) of downtimeAbout 2 weeks of downtime


Tummy Tuck


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How Long Is Tummy Tuck Recovery?

While patient experiences vary, recovery after a full tummy tuck typically includes the following milestones:

Return to work: Patients can return to nonstrenuous jobs in about 2 weeks.

Wear compression garments: Patients will need to wear a supportive compression garment for 4 weeks to minimize swelling and support the surgical area as it heals.

Stand upright: To avoid putting tension on the incision, keep your abdomen flexed (bent over) for the first few days to a week or so.

Lifting restrictions: Avoid lifting anything that weighs more than a few pounds for the first 2 weeks. From week 2 to 4, limit lifting to 5 to 10 pounds. After week 4, the weight can gradually be increased. At 6 weeks, most patients are ready to go without restrictions.

Resume exercise: Gentle walking is important starting the day of or the day after surgery to avoid blood clots and help the healing process. At 4 weeks, patients can begin easy, non-impact activities. Most patients can resume more strenuous exercise at 6 weeks and unrestricted activity by 10-12 weeks. It’s important to listen to your body and get your doctor’s clearance before jumping back into your regular routine.

Back to normal: For most patients, by 6 months the swelling has resolved completely, tightness has eased, and patients feel like themselves again. In some patients a final look is achieved by month 3 while in rare patients, full resolution of swelling can take 9-12 months.

If you want to learn more about what to expect during the recovery process following a tummy tuck, we encourage you to read our Post-Op FAQ. It covers post-operative issues such as incision care, time away from work, and the ability to engage in exercise and other activities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is tummy tuck surgery painful?

Discomfort, mainly due to muscle tightening, is most significant the first week after surgery; however, it is typically controlled with prescription medication. The vast majority of tummy tuck patients say that any discomfort after surgery is well worth the improvements they gain.

How long before I’ll see my final results after surgery?

Most of the swelling dissipates within 3 to 6 months, allowing the majority of patients to enjoy the results of their surgery. It can take up to a year to achieve final tummy tuck results.

Does a tummy tuck get rid of stretch marks?

A tummy tuck removes excess lax abdominal skin and any stretch marks below the bellybutton. It also moves stretch marks and skin above the bellybutton down where they are less noticeable in underwear and swimsuits.

Will I have surgical drains?

Most tummy tuck patients have a single, surgical drain for about 1 week to prevent the buildup of fluid within the abdomen. This is combined with progressive tension sutures to further reduce fluid and to contour the abdomen. The drains Dr. Cohen and Dr. Sigalove use do not cause any pain when they are removed.

How long does a tummy tuck last?

Tummy tuck results last indefinitely as long as you maintain your weight and do not become pregnant.

How many sizes will I lose?

While most patients do not lose a significant amount of weight (a few pounds for most patients), a tummy tuck with the removal of excess skin and fat and abdominal muscle repair creates a dramatically improved contour for the torso.

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