Body Lift

Loose, poorly fitting clothes can have a negative impact on anyone’s appearance and confidence. For many of our Phoenix and Scottsdale area patients who have lost significant weight, their skin becomes, in essence, an ill-fitting suit that cannot be removed. For some, as excess weight is lost the body shrinks while the skin retains its stretched-out size. It’s like a thin person being forced to wear a heavier person’s clothing. Often, the loose skin can be prone to rashes or odors, causing even more discomfort than the original excess weight.

Receive a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Cohen or Dr. Sigalove to learn more about body lifts. Our plastic surgery facility is conveniently located for women and men living in Tempe, Paradise Valley and other areas of Greater Phoenix.

Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery

Fortunately, as a team of board-certified plastic surgeon near Phoenix, we have the ability to “tailor” loose skin to fit the leaner, healthier bodies underneath. This tailoring technique is called a “body lift,” and is a surgical procedure in which the excess skin of the abdomen and back is removed circumferentially, like an unwanted inner tube. By pulling up the skin of the lower back and abdomen, the sagging skin of the legs and buttocks are indirectly pulled up as well, providing a smoother, more youthful appearance. If needed, excess skin of the inner and outer thighs and lower buttocks can also be removed in a secondary procedure.

Although this may seem like a lot of surgery, in the case of significantly stretched out and sagging skin, surgical removal is the only way to truly tailor and re-drape the skin over the underlying muscles and anatomical structures. Many patients ask us why they can’t just have liposuction or another less-invasive form of cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, liposuction depends on skin that is already tight and elastic, which “snaps back into place” once fat is removed. While liposuction is a great procedure in the right patient, liposuction by itself is ineffective on people with loose skin and can actually worsen their appearance.

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After Cosmetic Surgery Near Phoenix

Our surgeons’ experience with numerous body lift procedures has been very positive, and all of our patients were grateful to rid themselves of their excess, saggy skin. Because every patient has a different pattern of excess skin and a unique underlying body structure, we customize techniques to achieve the best possible results for each unique patient. This type of surgery is essentially bespoke tailoring of a surgical nature, and requires a high level of surgeon expertise. By allowing patients to look better, fit into regular clothes, and have better overall hygiene, body lifting can be a life-changing surgery, giving patients a positive new outlook on their appearance.

If you are interested in learning more about what to expect during the recovery process following a body lift, we encourage you to read our Post-Op FAQ (frequently asked questions). They offer information about post-operative issues such as incision care, time away from work, and the ability to engage in exercise and other activities.

Modern Beauty

See Dr. Cohen on Modern Beauty, a series on the Style Network.

See Dr. Cohen on Modern Beauty, a series on the Style Network.
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Take the Next Step

Request a cosmetic consultation, or call (480) 423-1973 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Robert Cohen or Dr. Steven Sigalove They will be happy to answer any questions you may have about body lift procedures. Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Cohen and Dr. Sigalove welcome patients from all over Arizona, as well as other states and countries. Our facility serves Scottsdale, Phoenix and Paradise Valley.

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