Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Surgery of the ears treats a number of different problems. These problems include ears that “stick out” excessively or have abnormally shaped cartilage. These issues can be addressed with cosmetic ear surgery (otoplasty) at Scottsdale Center for Plastic Surgery.

Receive a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Robert Cohen or Dr. Steven Sigalove to learn more about cosmetic ear surgery. Our facility is conveniently located for women and men living in Tempe, Paradise Valley and other areas of Greater Phoenix.

Ear Surgery for Cosmetic Correction

Excessively protruding ears are clearly not a physical health risk. However, as our surgeons found while earning their certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery, they are frequently a psychological health risk as they can cause tremendous embarrassment and self-esteem issues in patients – particularly in school-aged children. Resulting from an abnormality of the ear cartilage folds, or the position of the ear cartilage, this problem generally develops early in life and can affect one or both ears to varying degrees. Teasing and name-calling by peers can cause otherwise healthy, happy children to become withdrawn and depressed. The same can hold true for adults, who often reject certain hairstyles, and may even avoid pools and the ocean in an effort to hide their ears from view.

Luckily, as a group of board-certified plastic surgeons, our surgeons are able to correct this problem by placing a few corrective stitches in the ear cartilage through an incision hidden behind the ear (a procedure called an otoplasty). This surgery can have an immediate impact on our patients’ self-esteem. In particular, we have seen many children (prior to surgery) literally burst into tears when asked about teasing at school. After surgery, we witness a dramatic improvement in their self-confidence and pride. We notice similar changes in our adult patients, who have often dealt with ridicule throughout their childhood and adult life. We believe that otoplasty is the quintessential plastic procedure as it is not life saving, but it can absolutely be life changing.

Get The Vip

Designed specifically for our surgical patients, our VIP Skincare Program offers exclusive promotions to enhance your recovery. Get special rates for our most sought-after aesthetic treatments, expertly curated to minimize swelling, accelerate healing, and mitigate scarring. Take your recovery to the next level. Schedule your surgery today to take advantage of the VIP Skincare Program.

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Modern Beauty

See Dr. Cohen on Modern Beauty, a series on the Style Network.

See Dr. Cohen on Modern Beauty, a series on the Style Network.
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Take the Next Step

If you are interested in learning more about what to expect during the recovery process following otoplasty, we encourage you to read our Post-Op FAQ (frequently asked questions) about post-operative issues such as care for incisions, time away from work, and ability to engage in exercise and other activities.

Request a cosmetic consultation using our online form or call (480) 423-1973 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Cohen or Dr. Steven Sigalove. Your surgeon will be happy to answer any questions you may have about ear shaping and earlobe repair. Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Cohen and Dr. Sigalove welcome patients from all over Arizona, as well as other states and countries. Their facility serves Scottsdale, Phoenix and Paradise Valley.

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