
Bringing your facial features into balance requires the artistry and skill of an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon. Board certified in both plastic surgery and otolaryngology-ENT Dr. Andrew Wolin specializes in primary and revision rhinoplasty (nose job surgery) for Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Paradise Valley women and men who want to improve their facial appearance and self-confidence.

What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

With rhinoplasty or nose job surgery, you can correct cosmetic or functional nasal concerns to help your nose look better or function more properly. Dr. Wolin customizes the surgery to address each patient’s unique concerns using various advanced techniques.

Some of the goals you can achieve with rhinoplasty include:

  • Fixing an asymmetric nose or crooked bridge 
  • Reducing a prominent bump 
  • Narrowing the nostrils 
  • Enhancing the nasal tip 
  • Reducing the size of the nose 
  • Correcting a deviated septum to improve breathing problems 

Advanced Rhinoplasty Techniques in Scottsdale

During your personalized consultation, Dr. Wolin assesses your concerns and determines whether to perform open or closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty is typically used for complex procedures such as revision rhinoplasty that require open surgical access. Closed rhinoplasty uses internal incisions within the nostrils, leaving no visible scar.

Considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Scottsdale, Dr. Wolin uses highly advanced and specialized rhinoplasty techniques to help patients achieve balanced, natural-looking results. His preservation rhinoplasty methods require high precision and skill and are designed to accelerate healing and achieve optimal outcomes. Dr. Wolin is one of the first rhinoplasty surgeons in the greater Phoenix area to offer the ultrasonic approach for rhinoplasty surgery.

What Is Ultrasound Piezotome Rhinoplasty?

Conventional rhinoplasty uses chisel-like tools called osteotomes to break nasal cartilage and bone during the procedure. Adopting a more advanced alternative, Dr. Wolin uses piezotome ultrasound vibrations to alter the shape and structure of the nose while preserving as much of your natural nasal tissue, anatomy, and framework as possible.

This ultrasonic approach allows Dr. Wolin to make highly controlled and precise adjustments, reshaping your nose with reduced damage to the soft tissue. Less trauma to the nose during surgery preserves your nose tissue and minimizes postoperative swelling and bruising for a smoother recovery.

What To Expect During Rhinoplasty?

Your procedure will be performed at our on-site surgical suite under general anesthesia. Aided by gentle vibrations from the ultrasonic device, Dr. Wolin carefully lifts the skin away from nasal bone and cartilage to shape and sculpt your nose. He redrapes the skin over the enhanced nasal framework and applies a splint to help stabilize your nose. In some cases, nasal packing or soft splints are inserted into the nostrils to provide additional stability.

Usually, only a tiny dressing under the nose is necessary to absorb drainage immediately following surgery. While every patient varies, most rhinoplasty procedures take 1 to 2 hours. You can return home on the same day as your surgery.

Your Rhinoplasty Recovery

Our patients benefit from a shorter and more comfortable recovery after ultrasonic rhinoplasty than traditional nose job surgery. While most patients require about a week of downtime for healing, here’s a general overview of what to expect during your recovery from preservation rhinoplasty surgery:

  • Mild swelling and discomfort are common, but you can alleviate them with pain medications and cold compresses. 
  • Your splints and stitches will be removed about a week post-op. 
  • You can return to non-strenuous work and activities after 1 to 2 weeks. 
  • Most swelling and bruising resolve 2 weeks after surgery. 
  • You can usually resume strenuous activity within 4 to 6 weeks 
  • Initial results are visible after a few weeks, but the entire healing process takes up to 1 year. 

The good news is that after your recovery period, you can enjoy your newly sculpted nose for years! Visit our Post-Op FAQ page for additional details about what to expect as you heal from plastic surgery.

Take the Next Step

If you’re ready to put your best face forward, we encourage you to request a consultation with Dr. Wolin using our online form. You can also call us at (480) 423-1973 to schedule an appointment. We welcome people throughout Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Paradise Valley who want to improve their appearance and quality of life with rhinoplasty or one of our other popular facial plastic surgery procedures.

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